To eliminate food deserts in urban areas by bridging communities through people and produce.
About BrightSide
Where it all began and where we are today…

BrightSide Produce has developed a sustainable distribution model that makes fresh produce more available in low-income urban neighborhoods. It was founded in June 2014 as a collaboration between the University of St. Thomas and Community Table Co-op to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to corner stores in Minneapolis, MN. The core operation of BrightSide Produce Minneapolis involves teams of neighborhood youth and university students making regular deliveries to corner stores in under-served areas. 

In June 2017, San Diego State University launched a BrightSide Produce program in San Diego, CA.  

While both programs share a common mission, each has adapted its business model and operations to meet the food needs of the local communities it serves.
Why BrightSide exists…
Corner stores in under-served areas of Minneapolis and San Diego did not have viable distribution options for produce…until now!
Produce distributors generally do not provide viable service options for corner stores in low-income neighborhoods. They require minimum orders to deliver produce to stores or have high prices. Because of this, some corner store owners often buy produce at grocery stores and restaurant wholesale suppliers and then resell it at higher prices. That takes time and money, and the result is second-hand produce for sale at high prices in a challenging sales environment. Other store owners are simply not able to carry produce because distribution to the stores is not available.

BrightSide Produce delivers affordable, fresh fruits and vegetables to partner stores weekly, increasing the accessibility and availability of affordable produce in communities that have limited access.

Why BrightSide is unique…
BrightSide Produce’s model is self-sustaining.

The BrightSide Produce Distribution model overcomes a key challenge faced by many community initiatives – it funds itself. BrightSide is a sustainable, self-sustaining and scalable model that sells produce to multiple community groups, including store owners and members of the university community. BrightSide activities are driven by university students and incorporated into academic programs. By making food insecurity tangible, BrightSide helps university students develop the empathy needed to make lasting social contributions.

Click here to learn more about BrightSide Produce Minneapolis.

Click here to learn more about BrightSide Produce San Diego